80 Questions & Prompts To Make Your Sex Life Sexier

91,45 kr. DKK

We understand that sometimes it's just awkward to talk about intimacy. Trying to come up with questions, trying to think of HOW to word a question without it sounding offensive or hurtful. We also know that sometimes we just don’t know how to get that sexy time started!

So we created this guide that you and your spouse can walk through as fast or as slow as you'd like. Come back to it often! You might ask a question, receive an answer and a few months later be surprised to know that things have changed and that answer is different now! If one of the prompts makes you nervous and you’re not quite ready to use it, come back in a few months and see how you’re feeling.

No matter what though, have fun! Get vulnerable! And communicate! 

Bonus: We also included some fun in-home date nights for you all to enjoy with one another!